Oct 7Liked by Kristi Keller

This is very good.I have gone years without taking time to regroup.

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Maybe this post was the universe telling you it's time 😊

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My favourite line in this excellent essay is PURPOSEFULLY AND MINDFULLY SHUT DOWN. As weird as it sounds I think I often half-assed shut down which leads to not getting anything done and also not feel refreshed afterwards. I am going to intentionally hold these words in my heart, thank you.

Of course I love the pictures you shared! I’m glad you and your dog enjoyed the lake and sad that it was to celebrate the loss of your son. I hope you come back!!!!

Speaking of coffee, I also love a proper mug and admire your innovation. I hope you made it up to KHC while you were there🩷

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I mean she conversion. A she shed!

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Hahahaha I like She Shed 😁😁

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Donna, I'm SO sorry we didn't get the chance to meet up. I guess both of our weekend plans just didn't allow for it. Having said that, I fell in love with your town! I'll definitely be back! Are you sure you're not converting your shed into a tiny house?? 😂

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OMG I’m on my phone and messing up like crazy. SHE SHED for you! I know you know what I mean!

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I am equally sorry, I really wanted to see you. It was a totally nutty time.

You will be the first to know about that she’s conversion 💕

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I'm happy you enjoyed the peace of our Lake Windermere but sshh, don't tell anyone.

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YOU live there? So does @Donna McArthur . I won’t tell anyone, I’m just trying to figure out where I can pitch a tent and stay permanently 😁

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Oct 4Liked by Kristi Keller

Love this - and feel so many of the ‘triggers’ that are literally screaming at me that I need to ‘shut down’ - thank you for this wonderful, thought provoking reminder 🙏🏻

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I love this! I sometimes set my ooo email to say "I'm unplugging to recharge"

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OOOh I love this one! AND it’s completely valid! If a client can’t understand that, are they really the kind of person you’d want to work with?

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Yes! Yes! Yes! 👏 for the first time in 20ish years, I finally gave myself permission to quit the toxic productivity and hustle mentality and just stop for a god damn minute. The panic creeps in every now and then but I just keep reminding myself that I need to make space for the right things to come through. ❤️

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Sara, I can totally relate. As an entrepreneur, I always find it difficult to not "peek" on weekends, holidays, etc. It's terrible!

I hope you find the space you need and it all comes together for you!

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I really need to learn to do this properly. I’m a teacher and currently on school holidays. I’ve spent a morning at school planning with my partner teacher, 2 other times to do the ‘stuff’ in my classroom, planned for hours on end at home and still have so much to do before school returns on Monday. My holidays are usually spent catching up on school work, going to appointments because I can’t get there through the school day, and shopping for school supplies. I find I’m always thinking of what else I have to get done and find it so hard to really shut down for holidays. Maybe over the Christmas holidays ( our Summer break ) I may be able to rest properly!

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Yes that's one of the biggest problems....TRULY shutting it off on weekends and holidays.

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Oct 2Liked by Kristi Keller

Thank you for this post, Kristi! Comes around right as rest has been top of mind for me too. In my case, rest was usually like a train I missed. I think I was only resting when forced by life, so basically when I was sick (but of course, with unaltered productivity expectations even when I could barely spend an hour out of bed).

In recent years I really crave calm getaways and managed to incorporate some, but looking forward to even more. The place from your photos is stunning! It's great that you have managed to disconnect, although the source behind this yearly practice breaks my heart. Sending lots of hugs, and again thank you for your words 🤍

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Thank you Milena.

I love your analogy of “missing the train.” Sometimes it certainly feels that way, doesn’t it? I’ve also been slowed down many times by illness or injury and it really makes one aware of just how important it is to recuperate, both mentally and physically.

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I had big plans of productive tasks this morning, then I had the urge to bake and drink tea.

Meditation and mind clearing comes with baking for me. So when the urge to make dough comes I ALWAYS listen.

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I love this so much. Especially today, a gloomy, cold day. My mom baked muffins this morning and my whole house smells like comfort. I support this method of meditation 🧘‍♀️ ✨️

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I find my dough and baking turns out better when I do it when called as well

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Kristi -- I was mid comment that was happening and must have hit something and Poof! gone. I'm totally newbie here but looked you article and that I was writing a worth while, funny comment. If there's any recourse! Great writing & loved it & needed it! susanmossthomas@gmail.com (Not sure I even know where to find my messages (if any) on here!

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Awww man, don't you just hate technology sometimes? 😁 I appreciate you stopping in to read, with or without comments!

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Oct 2Liked by Kristi Keller

I love this post Kristi. And I suspect it carries a bunch of info about why I think you are fabulous.

I completely agree: Rest and recovery is more important as we age. (Or the universe will take us out at the knees so we MUST do nothing for a time.. the old, you didn’t listen the first ten times, so here’s a baseball bat of change). Which is where I’m at.

While no one would call what I’m in right now the result of stress or overwork, they also don’t know why I’m here. It simply is. The benefit (if there is one) is that it got me one Substack and finally writing with my peeps.

I don’t mean to pry, but rather to support… have you written about what happened with your son four years ago? Every time you mention him, I have the strong urge to come sit beside you in the grief… just to be there with you. 💞

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Teyani, I love that part about the universe taking us out at the knees. There's nothing more true than that. I don't know exactly what you're going through right now but you're right, we have to trust that the journey is the destination.

And yes, I have written in depth about my son since his death. For the first two years it feels like grief and loss are all I wrote about until I began seeing light again. All of that writing is on Medium because that's the only place I was writing at the time. If you ever feel like reading, you can do so here: https://medium.com/@kristikeller876/list/880f304d248b

However, you have to be a Medium member to read over there.

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Oct 2Liked by Kristi Keller

Thanks Kristi. I don’t belong to medium.

And? I still,send you encouragement every single day.

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Thank you Teyani 😊 I appreciate you 🙏

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Wonderful reflections Kristi.

We all need 'proper' time out so we CAN be productive.

Especially for those of us who have chosen (for better or worse) to adopt a screen as our very best friend!

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You're so right about the "better or worse" part lol. Screen time is such a blessing and a curse at the same time!

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Absolutely amen (and something I need to hear probably monthly). Thank you for this month's reminder -- and on day one to boot.

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Pure coincidence or maybe divine that this post hit on the first of the month 😊

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If you stare at the lake long enough, the clouds will move.

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And so will the heart 😊

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Hey. I love you. This is the energy of the moment right now. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

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Hey. I also love YOU for saying that in this moment 😊 It's very affirming.

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"Unless, of course, you happen to be in your fifties. Then your people will realize they’re never going to see you again because you’re at home in pajamas watching Netflix."

Yes, the outside world is work, especially since the pandemic. And that doesn't mean I can't rent and AIRBNB in the woods, leave the laptop in the bag, and sit under on the porch overlooking a stream with a page-turning book that I'll forget as soon as I finish the last page.

I love you Kristi, and a little voice inside me asked "when she referenced a calm person she met, is she talking about me?" and then I remembered that I have shown you my not so calm side a time or two.

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LOL well we all have our UN-calm days!!! I have met many a calm spirit in my days and I used to envy them because I was anything but calm. But these past few years I don't have time for the way things used to be. I AM one of those calm people now and I feel like we're all kindred spirits who find each other.

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I absolutely love that you acknowledge that you ARE the calm person now. Cuz you totally are. When it comes to all the tech behind the scene details of substack, the first time I called you, I knew I was in good hands because you were so calm. I love that about you.

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I wasn’t super calm on the inside with that one large project though 😂 But once I understood it, we were golden lol.

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