Apr 16Liked by Kristi Keller

so so nice!! I did a similar thing on sunday, i went for a skin, (ski up) and while i did have my phone and snapped a few selfies (so me) I didnt have headphones and felt very one with the sounds of nature.

Sorry about the hospital visits and that messy stuff. its hard!

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I do this a lot - my children and husband go mad, but I love it!

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Hahaha so you do it on purpose 😁 If I had kids and a husband I might do it more often!

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Ha ha - not exactly on purpose, but let's say my phone is not my priority. Me time is important for all of us!

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I often walk with a phone but I have it muted and I choose to leave my earphones at home (I also leave my husband at home 😆). I love when my head feels empty of other people's voices (however valuable) and I can listen to my thoughts. That's when I have a chat with my best creative ideas.

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Good choice leaving the husband behind 😂 I always bring my phone but hardly ever bring headphones, to be honest. I like knowing what's going on around me.

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We can still show up, even if we're not on! Thank you.

There was that time I did intentionally disconnect and regretted it. I was traveling with girlfriends and we were going out to a lovely dinner so I left my phone at home. I felt sick in the middle of the evening and needed to go back to our place so took a cab. We were not in the middle of nowhere, it was extremely civilized, so I thought nothing of it. The driver had NO idea where he was going and ended up on very sketchy roads in an industrial area that was pitch dark. It was bizarre and is the only time I've been truly frightened in a situation like that. Long story short, my friends were going to leave the restaurant to go to their next stop, I had no way of telling this guy where to go or call for another ride (or worse). I eventually had to use his phone to call the restaurant to get a message to my peeps not to leave and help him navigate his way back to where we had come from 40 minutes prior. He still charged me, but at least I wasn't dead.

Lesson learned!

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Oh my God Donna, that would be scary! I was in a similar situation but decades ago before cell phones existed.

Hard to imagine we all used to live that way! No way to call for help or get out of a jam.

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I don’t know how I managed to drive anywhere without getting lost before I had a cell phone with a maps app to tell me where to go. I still have problems when it says “proceed to the route” or “head west on … “!

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Same here Wendi!! I remember I moved to an entirely different city and province in my twenties, with NO GPS!! How did we ever manage? 😂

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Apr 21Liked by Kristi Keller

There must have been some divine intervention in my case, because I definitely couldn’t figure out how to get where I needed to go on my own! Especially when my job entailed home visits to people who gave directions like “turn right at the corner where the old Sears used to be.”🤣

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😂😂 Love those kind of directions! Much more helpful than "Go west and then head north." Might as well shoot me to space and tell me to find my way to Mars 🤣

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Yes! I stopped taking my phone on dog walks about 3 years ago, when our distance reduced due to his age. However, I have never listened to music on dog walks - it seems rude! Not sure I could do without music on my own though…I doubt I’ll find out, although I should. Walking without my dog would be healthy, but feels too mean!

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I know what you mean Elizabeth. I always felt guilty walking without my last dog once she got super old.

My current dog, I never have earbuds. She has certain issues so I need to be alert walking her.

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Apr 16Liked by Kristi Keller

Nice one Kristi! I generally look forward to the times I can disconnect. I'm "on call" 24/7, so I have to keep my phone on hand even if I don't use it. But, when I'm backpacking I get to put that thing in airplane mode and only look at it to occasionally confirm my GPS location.

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Such a good feeling to disconnect. Funny, when we do it on purpose it's a big achievement but when we forget, it's almost panic-inducing 😂

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Apr 16Liked by Kristi Keller

Enjoyed this Kristi. Maybe it's just the old guy in me talking but I actually believe when you 'disconnect' you are actually connecting.

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All the amens to that! I believe that too. It's such a breath of fresh air 😊

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Yes! I forgot to bring it to a doctor’s appointment and fidgeted the entire hour I spent in the waiting room. I have the Kindle app on my phone so I can read, so it was excruciating!

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Barb, I'd say if a phone is necessary at any time it's definitely in a doctor's office waiting room!! 😅

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YES to this . . . I find myself wishing all the thousands of little attention-yanks that the modern world continually uses to pull on us would just STOP so I could get some peace. When the truth is that it's up to me to do the stopping, to disconnect. Great piece, Kristi.

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I haven't!! Love your writing style! Take a look at mine, would you?


Just starting out and trying to get 43 notifications next time I leave my phone behind....!!

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I LOVE your front page where it says, "I don't have the imagination or the desire to write fiction." We are kindred spirits! I couldn't make stuff up if my life depended on it!

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That's awesome and I'm laughing. Let's stay connected my new fine friend.

Love the Wildwood thing.

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It’s so great to unplug. I love that you were able to accept and enjoy. I walk with my phone but for emergency purposes only— and pepper spray. I love the music of nature and the tug of Apollo joyously plowing ahead. Desi must have noticed too. Leave your ear buds at home next time. 🥰🙏

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This one was an alone-walk. I can't wear earbuds with Dezi because she has lots of anxiety issues. I need to be alert and present with her so she doesn't lunge at bikes and scooters LOL. I think that's mostly why I love dog walking with her, she forces me to be present. 😊

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Dogs are great at reminding us to be present. They are so in the moment.

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I refuse to take my phone to bed. I didn't even regret it when my son was killed in a car crash and no-one could get in touch with me to tell me he was dead. I couldn't do anything about it anyway. Instead I had another four hours of blissful ignorance while I slept. 🤷

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Ooooh I'm on the fence about that one. I used to keep my phone on every night when my son was alive. I was paranoid about missing emergency calls. Now that he's gone, my phone is set to do not disturb from 10pm to 7am. I don't need to hear pings through the night. No thank you!

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I think I was exhausted from bringing up six children. And I knew there were other family members they could get in touch with if needed. In fact perhaps I didn't have a mobile phone then and the landline couldn't be heard from our bedroom.

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I sure did. Once or twice I forgot my cell...one of which when I went to the gym. Gym without music? Unheard of. But I pushed myself and went through the routine. I won't be honest if I didn't tell you that both times I experienced a panic attack.

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I liked how you turned a negative into an amusing positive spin. You're a true ✍️

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I used to absolutely need my phone and headphones if I had to leave the house. God forbid I should let the world into my brain in any way other than through the internet.

Now, I leave the headphones, and quite often the phone (shh, don't tell my paramedic friend I sometimes don't have my phone with me, she worries)

And it is absolutely wonderful. Who needs music in your headphones when the birds are singing. Who needs to look at the screen when there are SO MANY flowers you've never noticed in that banking you always thought just contained brambles and litter.

And there is nothing like coming home and realising you didn't miss anything important to remind you that the world doesn't end if we can't get to the notifications immediately.

I reckon that one of the most liberating acts of revolution and self care most of us in the western 21st century can do is to refuse to accept the idea that we can't function without technology and constant connection to the Internet.

And on that note, I'm switching off, and going to read some of my book before bed!

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Totally agree, especially when out walking in nature!

I would say your paramedic friend does have a point though. Last summer I fractured my knee while out with my dog and had I not had my phone I'd have been screwed. Also, in December my mom fell and broke her ankle out in the snow and luckily she also had her phone.

But back in the day before cell phones we all STILL SURVIVED!! Probably on the kindness of strangers!

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Yes, my friend's worry stems from the fact that I like walking in places where I might not see too many strangers to help me if I do get into trouble. She has a very valid point, so I wouldn't dream of not taking my phone when I go out into the hills. But sometimes when I am walking in the streets of my village, I know I'll be able to get help if I need it.

It is funny to remember that it wasn't that long ago that mobile phones weren't common, or even exist at all. I'm old enough that I remember when mobile phones were the stuff of sci fi! We all managed to survive and even make plans and keep in touch with our friends then 🤣

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Esther I think of that, too. There WAS a time when we could leave the house with just our house keys and function like normal humans 😂😂 We are such sheep lol

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I love this! I often unplug, but I do take my phone for safety reasons. I am of an age. And once I did break my ankle walking (that's another story). I'm glad you enjoyed your walk.

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Susan, same thing happened to my mom and I'm so glad she had her phone. I do always take mine along but refuse to check pings and all that crap while I'm out!

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