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Jun 10Liked by Kristi Keller

Cool that you came so close twice! No doubt they fell in love with your awesome energy and creative spark. Sorry they cancelled at the last minute.

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My husband and I totally got sucked into watching Caribbean Life and HHI and those kinds of shows in advance of our move to the Dominican Republic. They were great fuel for daydreams about island living, but it was pretty funny when we got to know various people in our small town—brokers and homeowners alike—who had participated in those programs and were “showing” already-owned properties and sometimes “choosing” houses they never moved into. One episode featured an American expat we know “looking at” a property that was actually a villa owned by someone else and rented out/operated as a hostel by friends of ours. It was most definitely not on the market 😂

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LOL crazy right? TV will do anything for views and ratings. It's always a cool way to showcase living somewhere else but the reality is SO much different! I'm still looking on Bahamas real estate sites for these so-called $100,000 beachfront listings that exist there. So far...they don't 🤣

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Not to mention, we have been treated to multiple sets erected on our beaches over the years for the international “Survivor” franchise. Turns out not all of those sagas are filmed on “remote islands” or in “uninhabited jungles” 😅

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Noooooo way!!! Now THAT one is a shocker to me. I haven’t watched Survivor in eons but now I feel so disappointed and duped 🤣

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To be fair, these were international spinoffs, not the Jeff Probst OG show. I’m guessing “Survivor: Turkish Edition” may have a lower budget than its American counterpart.

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I’m so far behind on real TV that I don’t even know what’s going on. Ever since getting rid of cable and going to streaming, I never think to look for these shows anymore.

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“Reality” shows are the exact opposite aren’t they?! They picked you TWICE Kristi?! Honestly you *may* have no idea how amazing that is. You are just amazing. 🤩

These shows are HIGHLY scripted and while I can’t say exactly how I know… let’s just say I have had voice students on shows you know that sing… anyway.

It’s NOTHING like what is seen as you have realized. The culture of the city is not the main driver of viewership much like talent is not.

That’s what and why I love reading about your experiences becuz they are REAL. And because you are fab. ☺️

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Really? You mean the singing contest shows are all rigged as well? Man, insider information really taints things, doesn't it?

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Weeeellllll rigged is not exactly the word I would use… more like “known quantity” and also “backstage discussions”.

I actually LOVE both winners of this year’s shows. Abi and Asher are both incredible talents.

And I watch for great teaching moments - fresh song arrangements.

It’s just not the way we all *think* it happens.

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Asher is the first winner in years that I’ve totally loved ! I’m glad he won.

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Asher is sooooo amazing!

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And you know him?? How amazing is that!

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Oh gosh!! No I don’t know him personally… some of the people connected with the show as a voice teacher. ☺️

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Those shows are actually what I miss the most since canceling cable a couple years ago. I stream on Roku now and never look for regular shows anymore.

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Yeah we haven’t had cable for quite a while - so I watch the performances on YouTube.

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I love learning the "behind the scenes" like this. So sorry they changed their mind on you, TWICE. Their LOSS!!

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That is so bizarre the show backed out twice. Also— I should have known the featured players already live in a the destination home. Haha.

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I thought it was bizarre as well. Twice? Maybe I wasn't interesting enough lol.

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I highly doubt that. Probably some odd corporate money reason. Ie— better advertising revenue with St Croix than Jamaica.

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Jun 6Liked by Kristi Keller

Interesting. I’ve read similar stories about other shows. It does make you re-think how you view them.

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I think no one would watch reality TV if they knew the behind the scenes stuff.

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You're probably right lol. I mean, I have a hard time watching about 90% of it already. Especially the relationship shows. UGH.

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Having worked in TV for a number of years, I take a fairly jaundiced view of much of what that industry does, most especially "reality" shows. Kudos to you for having the initiative to get yourself on the show twice, but that category of producers and their staffs are so practiced in blowing sunshine up people's skirts -- and so many people are so dazzled at the prospect of being on the tube that they're woefully easy to manipulate. Luckily, you don't fall into that group.

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Knowing too much really spoils things doesn't it? Takes away the romance of it all, that's for sure.

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I love HHI and island homes….and beach front bargains….makes me dream big time. Thank you for sharing❤️

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Wow, that was an utterly fascinating window into the non-reality of reality TV shows.

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Pretty interesting, right? I suppose even with the non-reality, these shows still offer us glimpses into how other cultures live. Pretty cool!

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Wow! I learned a lot here, Kristi. Very interesting to hear how these international living shows have to work. When I had a TV, I watched them a lot. My son was featured on an episode of Junk Yard Wars, on location in a southern California desert. He had a hell of a good time, even though it was HIGHLY scripted. He had many secrets to share.

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So fun to learn the industry secrets of how these shows operate, isn't it? That's neat your son was on one too!

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Jun 4Liked by Kristi Keller

I actually know someone who was a writer for HH!!

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Oh really? That must have been a fun job. Did she get to travel at all?

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Jun 4Liked by Kristi Keller

I used to watch HH all the time!! Thank you for confirming my suspicions. I used to wonder HOW they always closed the deal on the home they selected! 😂It is a lot of fun to see the locations and glimpses into the living situations.

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YES! In the window of a few hours the decision is made and all is happily ever after. Then they catch up with the sunburned couple two weeks later, drinking mimosas, so thrilled with their decision. My wife and I looked at 88 houses before buying! We are on the extreme end of things but...

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88!!!!!!! Man, you two have the patience of saints 😂 The first time I moved I rented my apartment sight unseen. I had a local friend go look at it for me and sent the money. It was way too good of a deal to pass up and I was not disappointed. I think I got super lucky.

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I don't know if 88 houses translates to patience (though it did translate to a book--my first memoir, Free to a Good Home: With Room for Improvement). I've long been baffled by friends who have looked at just one property and bought it. And then there's those crazy sight unseen buyers! Would you trust that same friend to choose your house totally sight unseen? No previews?

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Hahaha it's funny right? It all looks so effortless on TV 😁

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People always said to us ‘omg you’re like on house hunters!’… haha nope. Knew someone in Costa Rica who owned a small place they lived and rented a room or so and they were in the show. She did tell me they already owned it when they were in the show and they ‘visited’ other similar places to ‘compare’. Seems to check out with your experience! I guess the show helps people dream and gives them ‘exposure’ to other foreign living arrangements. 💁🏻‍♀️

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Yeah and knowing how it works kind of ruins the romance of it all. BUT...I will say that I STILL love watching those types of shows just to see what's out there. Bahamas Life was a streaming addiction for a good while for me because the sheer variety of cool homes there is neat.

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I agree! I still watch also!!

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So interesting!! Your stories are just fab Kristi 🧡 for what it’s worth… I think you would’ve been stellar on the show ;)

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Lol thanks Gwen! I don't know if I'd have been a very convincing faker but I was soooo disappointed they pulled out last minute. It would have been so fun to watch myself dupe the world 😂

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