Those Who Die With The Most Toys Are Still Dead
Why is the internet always pushing MORE, BETTER, BEST!?
It seems we can never scroll anywhere without being curb-stomped by yet another ad, course, or get-rich scheme promising us a better life.
Images boasting fancy cars, massive beach houses with pools, the concept of living like you’re on a permanent vacation, etc. It’s never-ending.
They tell us we need to do more, be more, have more. It’s always about MORE, BETTER, BEST!
What makes them think that a fancy lifestyle is what everyone wants?
I can tell you right now the two things I lust after the LEAST are a fancy car and a giant house with a pool. Sure, I wouldn’t mind living somewhere warm enough to have a pool, but that doesn’t mean my current life isn’t enough.
I’d be super pumped living in one of those cool tiny homes if it had a yard big enough for a kiddie pool and eight dogs. 😂
My uncle once said, “He who dies with the most toys is still dead.”
There’s a lot of weight behind that statement. Thanks, Uncle Doug.
Things I do lust after almost daily are peace of mind, a simpler life, comfort, good health, and as few complications as possible.
I’m pretty sure the internet can't sell me that.
It’s interesting how so many of these opportunities prey on the idea that your life isn’t already good enough. You don’t look good enough, your career isn’t good enough, your health isn’t good enough, etc.
What if we already like how we look and don’t need a piece of clunky jewelry to prove it? What if we love our jobs? What if some of us don’t chase ANYTHING but our dog around the dog park?
What if we don’t lust after anything but the courage to get out there and face the world as exactly who we are?
I love getting lost on Instagram but it mostly makes me cringe that the profiles with women wearing thongs (not the shoes) are the ones with millions of followers. The best body with the least amount of clothing wins every time.
Heck, I’ve even seen tourist board pages full of females with dental floss up their butt cracks and ocean waves splashing over their sandy brown bodies, as if that’s the ONLY way to showcase a beach destination.
What happened to a cultural travel experience?
Some hot woman’s body isn’t going to sell me on a vacation and I’m not just saying that because I have cellulite and pasty white skin 😂
What is this broad even doing in this picture, because FYI, that’s not how real people go to the pool.

This is Instagram life VS real life:

Almost everyone seems to be sold on the idea of becoming an influencer, but what exactly are they influencing us to do? Lust after things we can’t have unless we buy their product, spend money buying things we don’t need, and encourage us to look better than we do…because we must look like crap if we buy makeup and shampoo at Walmart.
I’ll tell you what I’d like to influence people to do:
Treat others kindly.
Be okay with who they are.
Love what they already look like.
Adopt a homeless pet.
Live out a dream or two.
Talk someone off a suicide ledge.
You know….stuff that actually MATTERS in the grand scheme of things.
I’m not trying to berate anyone who earns their living selling makeup, jewelry, or get-rich-quick schemes. Obviously there’s a market for it or they wouldn’t be earning a living. It just seems like it’s sending the message that living your best life isn’t possible without buying into these things.
A best life has nothing to do with your stockpile of material goods and what you look like in the mirror. It has everything to do with how you feel about your life without those things, and how you feel when you look in the mirror.
Because if you feel unworthy without those things it’ll be people like me talking you off the suicide ledge.
What are YOU chasing?
Straight from the rusty old vault of archives, here’s another post about leaving social media behind and finding your real self out in the wild:
All the yes's to everything you shared, Kristi! The only thing I'm "chasing" is equanimity with the inevitable ups and downs of this journey called life (although it's not chasing at all, it's really cultivating 🌴). As Buddha once said, "Contentment is the greatest wealth." So simple and for me, so very true. Learning to be content and embody abundance no matter what you have or is going on in your life is the real flex. ✌️💜
Haha haaaa…. I subscribed because I read the title as “Widowhood Wanted”. Whoops. There’s a Substack in that. 😱