I also write luxury real estate listings so sentence snippets like "the unparalleled convenience of a large laundry room" give me hives. What a hilarious way to entertain yourself!

I sometimes search for hilarious Amazon reviews when I'm procrastinating. I once found a 3-star review for a book with the subject line, "Just started it!" The review said, "Not finished yet!" Such a shame there's no way to respond, though. 🤣

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LOOOOL Jennie, I know right!? I so wish people could respond to Amazon reviews. My life would be so much richer hahahaa.

I actually have a post coming out down the road about reading reviews for dog boots on Amazon. Some of them sent me over the edge…so funny.

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Oh, that sounds like a hoot. Can't wait to read it!

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Inspiring :D

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I have a background in sales and well, I can write pretty good emails 😂 well, I may or may not have given unsolicited email feedback to junior sales people emailing me to sell their tech product.

I mean, if they email me without doing any research on me, i think i have the right to help them hit their targets with better emails 😇

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HA! I love that! I sometimes reply to business emails with spelling/grammar corrections too 😁

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Jul 5Liked by Kristi Keller


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Jul 2Liked by Kristi Keller

Love this post! Reminds me of when I posted an ad to find a roommate after grad school, back in 2009. Craigslist.

Ad was something like "looking for female roommate for a bedroom, 2 bathroom condo near metro on blue line. Cowboy fans need not apply."

My new roommate simply wrote back "Go Birds! When can I come see the place for a tour?"

For those unsure, the rivalry between the Dallas cowboys and Philadelphia eagles is strong. We became roommates and best friends, to this day. Best ad I ever wrote.

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That's amazing, Katie! What a great story of two friends 😊 It was meant to be.

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Jul 2Liked by Kristi Keller

Should say 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Opps missed the 2 there

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No but the online dating scene was a nightmare that I got over real quick. I know there have been some good for people, but too many creeps and scammers. I'm too old and busy for nonsense.

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That made my night. Thank you!

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Hahaha my pleasure!

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Many years ago the job of Football Manager for the Edinburgh Football Team , Hibernian FC, was advertised in the classified ads. I think it was just a legality issue that the job had to be advertised and no one would actually apply.

So I decided I would , I applied for the job by saying I knew nothing at all about the sport but judging by their results they didn’t either and that I was a huge supporter of the rival local team Hearts of Midlothian etc

Posted letter not expecting a reply but was delighted a week later to receive a letter thanking me for applying but that I had been unsuccessful. It was on official Hibernian letterhead stationery and I lived on the story how I once applied for a top level football managers job for many a year

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Hahaha David, that's brilliant 👏 🤣 I love that you had the guts to do that just for entertainment lol!! I bet they had a good chuckle over it!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Kristi Keller

Years ago I placed an ad on Craigslist (that's how long ago it was). I was selling my Suzuki Sidekick for $3,000. A woman responded immediately, asking if I might be interested in donating my vehicle to a single mom with two kids.

I'd love to be Oprah and all (FREE CARS FOR EVERYONE!) but replied, "ah, no, sorry." I often wonder about that woman and if her bold (yet innocent) approach has worked at some point.

Free ads are a total minefield. We had six patio stones listed for free and the first woman who responded was enthusiastic and all in but then cancelled her pick up time twice. Our neighbour expressed interest so I said, sure, take them. The original woman went BALLISTIC and wanted to ban me from Facebook for my behavior. She actually 'yelled' at me---a total tirade of four messages. Over silly free patio stones! So, buyer (or non-buyer) beware!! Fun post, Kristi! Also, apple juice is gross.

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Wow, I can't believe the patio stone woman lost her mind over FREE things that she never came to pick up LOL! You're so right, online ads are a minefield.

That single mom one would keep me wondering for a long time as well. Wouldn't we all like to be able to be more charitable?

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There is a book within, that's for sure. Classified Cases. Sounds so Scandinavian noir!

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Or just straight up Dateline 🤣

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Or Deadline for noir purposes.

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Now you've given me ideas. I HAVE seen some ridiculous ads online. 😂

Please give Chris a chance, text him some more and tell us how it's going. I am invested in this story. 😭

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Bahahahaa!! I’m sorry you’re invested because this was some time ago and it never went further lol!

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Jun 26Liked by Kristi Keller

I once saw an ad for a Honda that had a couple hundred thousand miles on it and the ad was pretty much a love letter talking about its killer sound system and how you could drop it off a bridge and it would still go. Not sure how he knew that but the car did sound very special 😂

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I LOVE when people get creative with writing ads. I'd much rather read that than your standard, run of the mill blah.

PS: Old cars were so much better than today's fancy toys!

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Hilarious stories! This made my day!

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My pleasure, Aaron!

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Jun 26Liked by Kristi Keller

I never understood how you can have half a room... I mean it's still a full room, right? Just smaller 😂

Oh, and nice post!

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This is HILARIOUS! Never in my wildest dreams have I thought of doing anything life it. What fun!

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🤣🤣 Nneka, I'm happy to entertain you hahaha!

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Just the laugh that I needed today! So salty and fun. 🌻

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Salty! I love that word 😁

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Not the ole solicitation via apple juice trick AGAIN!! 😤😤😤😤

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🤣🤣🤣 The nerve, right??!!

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Same with Evanston, IL. I. Fact most people from Evanston say they are from Chicago. It’s that close. It’s a running joke to make fun of it. There was even a news cast years ago where someone was talking about crime in Chicago and the other guest was like “you’re from Evanston bro” you don’t know anything about Chicago” 🤣

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Hahahaha! Ours is a nice suburb, just too cluttered. I'm not a fan of houses so close you can touch your neighbors.

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